Friday, August 26, 2011

Oh, Honey

*counting to himself while dealing cards*

C- "...5, 6, 7."
A- "...UM. I have four cards..."
C- *stares blankly at me*
A- "Did you think that because you got to a total of 7 that we both had 7 cards?"

*hysteria ensues, Chris begs me not to blog about this*

Thursday, August 18, 2011

He's So Pretty

C- "When do you work?"
A- "Two to ten."
C- "Two AM!?!??"
A- "Yes Chris, two AM. I'm OBVIOUSLY going to go cashier at two in the morning."
C- "WELLLL I didn't know. Maybe you were cleaning or something."

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


*discussing our future children's names*

C- "Well fine, you name the girl and I'll name the boy."
A- "That's fine, I like Jack."
C- "Yeah but you don't know what the middle name's going to be."
A- "What is it?"
C- "Hulk."
A- "You are NOT naming our child Hulk."
C- "Yep! Jack Hulk Evans."
A- "Absolutely not."

Monday, August 15, 2011

Well Thanks For Waking Me Up

*sound asleep*

A- "What what's for?"
C- *mumbles*
A- "Hmm?"
C- "The SURVEY!"
A- "What survey?"
C- *in a very condescending tone* "HONEY."
A- "Go back to sleep."

Thursday, August 11, 2011

I Wasn't Done

*getting something from the fridge*

A- "This wasn't shut."
C- "I wasn't done."
A- "You always say that."
C- "Babe I have turkey in my hand, obviously I wasn't done!"
A- "Ok well you're the boy who cried 'I wasn't done' so why should I believe you??"
C- "What does that even mean??"
A- "It means you always say that and you're ALWAYS done!!"
C- "Well...I wasn't done."

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Grocery Shopping

*while shopping in the bulk food section at Winco*

C- "Whole pitted dots?"
A- "Dates."
C- *sniffs* "HOLY CRAP THAT'S TERRIBLE. I'm done smelling things."

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Banana

He won't pick it up because "he doesn't buy or eat the bananas." (Shenanigans, I've seen him eating several of the bananas.) I won't pick it up because it's in the kitchen which is not my responsibility. How long will this lone banana be with us?