Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Microwave Safe

*watching Chris prepare leftovers*

A- "You know you took that out of a microwave safe container and put it into a non-microwave safe container?"
C- "I didn't know it was microwave safe!"
A- "It says so right on top of the container!"
C- "I don't read things!"
A- "Of course you don't."

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Space Jeans

*looking for a Han Solo costume*

C- *pulls up a picture of Han Solo and Chewbacca*
A- "That's ACTUALLY Han Solo."
C- "Yeah I know, and that's what we need to find!"
A- "He's wearing LEGGINGS Chris. Do you want to wear leggings?"
C- "They aren't leggings, they're SPACE JEANS."

Friday, August 26, 2011

Oh, Honey

*counting to himself while dealing cards*

C- "...5, 6, 7."
A- "...UM. I have four cards..."
C- *stares blankly at me*
A- "Did you think that because you got to a total of 7 that we both had 7 cards?"

*hysteria ensues, Chris begs me not to blog about this*

Thursday, August 18, 2011

He's So Pretty

C- "When do you work?"
A- "Two to ten."
C- "Two AM!?!??"
A- "Yes Chris, two AM. I'm OBVIOUSLY going to go cashier at two in the morning."
C- "WELLLL I didn't know. Maybe you were cleaning or something."

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


*discussing our future children's names*

C- "Well fine, you name the girl and I'll name the boy."
A- "That's fine, I like Jack."
C- "Yeah but you don't know what the middle name's going to be."
A- "What is it?"
C- "Hulk."
A- "You are NOT naming our child Hulk."
C- "Yep! Jack Hulk Evans."
A- "Absolutely not."

Monday, August 15, 2011

Well Thanks For Waking Me Up

*sound asleep*

A- "What what's for?"
C- *mumbles*
A- "Hmm?"
C- "The SURVEY!"
A- "What survey?"
C- *in a very condescending tone* "HONEY."
A- "Go back to sleep."